Magical Halloween (M408-M412) – Set of 5 Nail Stamping Plates
Step right up to the most enchanting circus in town! Our Magical Halloween stamping plate set is filled with tons of enthralling and magical Halloween-themed plates. Inspired by circus performers, funhouse decors and cute Halloween designs, magic spells and enchanting illusions, the tastiest and eeriest treats and trinkets, and mystical tarot cards, this collection will transform your nails into a thrilling show. Get ready to dazzle and bewitch!
This bundle includes:
• The Greatest Show (M408) – Nail Stamping Plate
• Funhouse (M409) – Nail Stamping Plate
• Magic Show (M410) – Nail Stamping Plate
• Treats & Trinkets (M411) – Nail Stamping Plate
• Fortune Teller (M412) – Nail Stamping Plate